Mission, Vision Statement
Mission Statement To conduct a church for the worship of God according to the tenants set forth by the Church of God In Christ, Inc., to teach and preach the word of God, and to perform all such acts as are customarily engaged in by other Christian Religious bodies. We subscribe to the same creed, code of discipline and statement of faith as found in the official manual of the Church of God in Christ Articles of Religion section II. The ministries of Faith Temple shall not be limited to the United States in scope but shall be international.
Our Vision A Church striving to be Spiritually Discerned, Scripturally Directed and Strategically Developed
Mission Preach, Provide, Know, Share and Build upon God’s Love to Make A Difference
- Preach the Good News of Salvation that Christ is available to all
- Provide meaningful and spiritually rewarding worship experiences and a program of discipleship through witness and outreach and education
- Know and Share God’s Love
- Build a congregation devoted to achieving God’s Vision for His people
- Make a Difference in the lives of our members and in our community